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Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 9, 2008 - Pages 185-193
Author Index
Anderson, Gordon L. “American Democracy and the True Society,” vol. 2 (1998): 95-122.
________________. “Headwing Philosophy and the Law of Nations,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 85-96.
Antal, Chris. “Forcible “Deprogramming,” the Japanese State, and International Human Rights,” vol. 5 (2003): 51-80.
Bennett, Clinton. “Beyond Religious Discord: The Divine Principle in Inter-Religious Perspective,” vol. 7 (2006): 9-22.
_____________. “Problems and Possibilities of Church Growth: Towards a Unification Critique,” vol. 8 (2007): 25-40.
Burton, David. “An Exploration of Questions in the Ontology of Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 43-56.
____________. “Unification Thought’s Methodology and the Dual Characteristics,” vol. 5 (2003): 81-92.
____________. “What is the Matter? Understandings of Matter in Unification
Thought and Modern Physics,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 143-159.
____________. “What is the Spirit? Some Physics of Spiritual Existence,” vol. 8 (2007): 107-124.
Callahan, Mark W. “A Unificationist Reconsideration of the Jewish Role in Earliest Christianity, 30-70 c.e.,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 97-118.
_______________. “World War One and Its Providential Significance for Korea,” vol. 8 (2007): 79-106.
de Groot, Adri. “The Yin and Yang of Prime Numbers: Finding Evidence of Unification Thought’s Teachings on the Dual Characteristics in Prime Number Reciprocals,” vol. 8 (2007): 125-137.
Guyenot, Laurent. “A New Perspective on John the Baptist’s Failure to Support Jesus,” vol. 1 (1997): 73-94.
Hardaway, Leander W. “The ACLC Social Action Program: Social Action or Social Inertia?” vol. 8 (2007): 71-78.
Hendricks, Tyler. “Unificationism in America: Models of Success,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 57-72.
______________. “Church Growth through Start-Ups and Satellites,” vol. 5 (2003): 17-42.
______________. “Unification Politics in Theory and Practice,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 61-84.
______________. “Shopping in Cheon Il Guk: Economics in the Unificationist Ideal World,” vol. 7 (2006): 51-68.
______________. “An Interfaith Movement and Its Seminary,” vol. 8 (2007): 1-24.
Horsfall, Sara. “Use of the Internet by the Unification Movement,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 101-116.
Kaufmann, Frank. “A Response to Postmodernism: A Critical Review of The Future of Religion by Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo,” vol. 7 (2006): 119-128.
Kawamura, Harumi. “Dissonance Reduction in the Early Years of the Unification Movement: A Critical Appraisal of Christian-Unification Relations as Illustrated in Exposition of the Divine Principle,” vol. 5 (2003): 43-50.
Kim, Jin-choon. “A Study of the Formation and History of the Unification Principle,” vol. 2 (1998): 49-70.
Kittel, Robert S. “‘They Shall Be One Flesh’: Fulfilling the Ideal of Creation through the Family,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 39-60.
Lewis, Richard Llewellyn. “Quantum Evolution from Atoms to Adam,” vol. 7 (2006): 69
Masuda, Yoshihiko. “From Dependence and Independence towards Interdependence: An Analysis of Cultural Trends in the Family and in the World,” vol. 1 (1997): 95-110.
________________. “A Reappraisal of Typologies of New Religious Movements and Characteristics of the Unification Church,” vol. 2 (1998): 71-94.
McLean, Roderick M. “What Can the Black Church and Black Theology Contribute to the Unification Movement and Unification Theology?” vol. 6 (2004-05): 119-124.
Mickler, Michael L. “‘A Friendly Biography About an Extraordinary Man’: Michael Breen’s Sun Myung Moon: The Early Years, 1920-53,” vol. 2 (1998): 35-48.
_______________. “Turning Points: Ten Defining Moments in the History of the Unification Tradition in America,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 5-26.
_______________. “Notes Toward a Universal History: Insights from the Unification Principle,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 87-100.
_______________. “The Da Vinci Code and Divine Principle,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 1-22.
_______________. “The Milingo Affair: Re-thinking the Unification Position on Clerical Celibacy and Ecumenism,” vol. 8 (2007): 41-60.
Noda, Keisuke. “Understanding the Word as the Process of Embodiment,” vol. 1 (1997): 57-72.
____________. “Understanding God: The Conceptual and the Experiential in Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 7-16.
____________. “Cosmic Good and Liberation of the Original Conscience,” vol. 5 (2003): 93-110.
____________. “Nietzsche, Apostle of Faith? A Unificationist Reading,” vol. 7 (2006): 1-8.
Nomura, Stephen K. “God as Masculine Subject Partner,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 57-72.
Otani, Akifumi. “A New Idea for the Mind-Brain Problem,” vol. 5 (2003): 111-144.
Park, In Chan. “Public Opinion of the Unification Movement in Korea: 1990-2006,” vol. 8 (2007): 61-70.
Perrottet, Claude. “Prolegomena to a Philosophical Inquiry into the Spirit World,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 17-32.
______________. “Gender in Western Philosophy and Unification Thought,” vol. 7 (2006): 23-50.
Price, Robert M.. “Contextualization as Incarnation,” vol. 1 (1997): 43-56.
_____________. “Amorous Archons in Eden and Corinth,” vol. 2 (1998): 19-34.
____________. “Dynamics of Messianism,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 27-40.
____________. “Was Jesus the Son of the Priest Zacharias?” vol. 5 (2003): 1-16.
____________. “The Marginality of the Cross,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 23-38.
____________. “A Unificationist Gospel,” vol. 7 (2006): 129-
Rohmann, Klaus. “Nicholas of Cusa: His Idea of the Coincidence of Opposites and the Concept of Unity in Unification Thought,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 117-129.
Scheuch, Erwin. “Freedom of Belief as a Human Right,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 101-110.
Shimmyo, Theodore T. “The Unification Doctrine of the Trinity,” vol. 2 (1998): 1-18.
__________________. “Faith and Reason: A Unificationist View,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 73-84.
Sontag, Frederick. “The Unification Church: Theory vs. Practice / Ideal vs. Reality,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 41-56.
Tanabe, Jennifer P. “Stages of Moral Development and the Family,” vol. 1 (1997): 111-128.
Ward, Thomas J. “Endowed with a Sense of History,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 85-100.
_____________. “A Reflection on Unification Thought, Evil and Theodicy,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 73-86.
Ward, Thomas and Frederick Swarts, “Rush to History: A Notable Omission in Postmortem Literature on the Cold War,” vol. 1 (1997): 1-22.
Wells, Jonathan. “Theological Witch-Hunt: The NCC Critique of the Unification Church,” vol. 1 (1997): 23-42.
Wilson, Andrew. “Visions of the Spirit World: Sang Hun Lee’s Life in the Spirit World and on Earth Compared with Other Spiritualists’ Accounts,” vol. 2 (1998): 123-148.
_____________. “Knowledge of God? A Critique and Proposal for Epistemology in Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 33-42.
____________. “Research into the Ontology of Spirit World and Spirit Persons in Unification Thought,” vol. 5 (2003): 145-174.
Winings, Kathy. “Taking Religious Education Out of the Classroom:
Service Learning as an Effective Contextual Pedagogy,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 125-142.
Yakawich, Mike. “A Case for a Professional Ministry in the Unification Church,” vol. 7 (2006): 111-118.
Subject Index
Biblical studies
Guyenot, Laurent. “A New Perspective on John the Baptist’s Failure to Support Jesus,” vol. 1 (1997): 73-94.
Price, Robert. “Amorous Archons in Eden and Corinth,” vol. 2 (1998): 19-34.
__________. “Was Jesus the Son of the Priest Zacharias?” vol. 5 (2003): 1-16.
__________. “The Marginality of the Cross,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 23-38.
__________. “A Unificationist Gospel,” vol. 7 (2006): 129-
Church growth
Bennett, Clinton. “Problems and Possibilities of Church Growth: Towards a Unification Critique,” vol. 8 (2007): 25
Hendricks, Tyler. “Church Growth through Start-Ups and Satellites,” vol. 5 (2003): 17-42.
Hendricks, Tyler. “Shopping in Cheon Il Guk: Economics in the Unificationist Ideal World,” vol. 7 (2006): 51-68.
Ecumenism and interfaith
Bennett, Clinton. “Beyond Religious Discord: The Divine Principle in Inter-Religious Perspective,” vol. 7 (2006): 9
Hendricks, Tyler. “An Interfaith Movement and Its Seminary,” vol. 8 (2007): 1-24.
Kawamura, Harumi. “Dissonance Reduction in the Early Years of the Unification Movement: A Critical Appraisal of Christian-Unification Relations as Illustrated in Exposition of the Divine Principle,” vol. 5 (2003): 43-50.
Mickler, Michael L. “The Milingo Affair: Re-thinking the Unification Position on Clerical Celibacy and Ecumenism,” vol. 8 (2007): 41-60.
Kittel, Robert S. “‘They Shall Be One Flesh’: Fulfilling the Ideal of Creation through the Family,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 39-60.
Masuda, Yoshihiko. “From Dependence and Independence towards Interdependence: An Analysis of Cultural Trends in the Family and in the World,” vol. 1 (1997): 95-110.
Tanabe, Jennifer P. “Stages of Moral Development and the Family,” vol. 1 (1997): 111-128.
Gender Issues
Nomura, Stephen K. “God as Masculine Subject Partner,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 57-72.
Perrottet, Claude. “Gender in Western Philosophy and Unification Thought,” vol. 7 (2006): 23-50.
History and historiography
Callahan, Mark W. “A Unificationist Reconsideration of the Jewish Role in Earliest Christianity, 30-70 c.e.,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 97-118.
_______________. “World War One and Its Providential Significance for Korea,” vol. 8 (2007): 79-106.
Mickler, Michael L. “Notes Toward a Universal History: Insights from the Unification Principle,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 87-100.
Ward, Thomas J. “Endowed with a Sense of History,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 85-100.
Ward, Thomas and Frederick Swarts, “Rush to History: A Notable Omission in Postmortem Literature on the Cold War,” vol. 1 (1997): 1-22.
Human rights
Antal, Chris. “Forcible “Deprogramming,” the Japanese State, and International Human Rights,” vol. 5 (2003): 51
Scheuch, Erwin. “Freedom of Belief as a Human Right,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 101-110.
Politics and political theory
Anderson, Gordon L. “American Democracy and the True Society,” vol. 2 (1998): 95
________________. “Headwing Philosophy and the Law of Nations,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 85
Hendricks, Tyler. “Unification Politics in Theory and Practice,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 61-84.
Science and mathematics
Lewis, Richard Llewellyn. “Quantum Evolution from Atoms to Adam,” vol. 7 (2006): 69
de Groot, Adri. “The Yin and Yang of Prime Numbers: Finding Evidence of Unification Thought’s Teachings on the Dual Characteristics in Prime Number Reciprocals,” vol. 8 (2007): 125-137.
Otani, Akifumi. “A New Idea for the Mind-Brain Problem,” vol. 5 (2003): 111-144.
Social service
Hardaway, Leander W. “The ACLC Social Action Program: Social Action or Social Inertia?” vol. 8 (2007): 71-78.
Winings, Kathy. “Taking Religious Education Out of the Classroom:
Service Learning as an Effective Contextual Pedagogy,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 125-142.
Sociological studies
Robert M. Price. “Contextualization as Incarnation,” vol. 1 (1997): 43-56.
_____________. “Dynamics of Messianism,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 27-40.
Spirit world
Burton, David. “What is the Spirit? Some Physics of Spiritual Existence,” vol. 8 (2007): 107-124.
Perrottet, Claude. “Prolegomena to a Philosophical Inquiry into the Spirit World,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 17-32.
Wilson, Andrew. “Visions of the Spirit World: Sang Hun Lee’s Life in the Spirit World and on Earth Compared with Other Spiritualists’ Accounts,” vol. 2 (1998): 123-148.
_____________. “Research into the Ontology of Spirit World and Spirit Persons in Unification Thought,” vol. 5 (2003): 145-174.
McLean, Roderick M. “What Can the Black Church and Black Theology Contribute to the Unification Movement and Unification Theology?” vol. 6 (2004-05): 119-124.
Mickler, Michael L. “The Da Vinci Code and Divine Principle,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 1-22.
Shimmyo, Theodore T. “The Unification Doctrine of the Trinity,” vol. 2 (1998): 1-18.
__________________. “Faith and Reason: A Unificationist View,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 73-84.
Ward, Thomas. “A Reflection on Unification Thought, Evil and Theodicy,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 73-86.
Wells, Jonathan. “Theological Witch-Hunt: The NCC Critique of the Unification Church,” vol. 1 (1997): 23-42.
Unification movement, history and practice
Hendricks, Tyler. “Unificationism in America: Models of Success,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 57-72.
Horsfall, Sara. “Use of the Internet by the Unification Movement,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 101-116.
Kim, Jin-choon. “A Study of the Formation and History of the Unification Principle,” vol. 2 (1998): 49-70.
Masuda, Yoshihiko. “A Reappraisal of Typologies of New Religious Movements and Characteristics of the Unification Church,” vol. 2 (1998): 71-94.
Mickler, Michael L. “‘A Friendly Biography About an Extraordinary Man’: Michael Breen’s Sun Myung Moon: The Early Years, 1920-53,” vol. 2 (1998): 35-48.
_______________. “Turning Points: Ten Defining Moments in the History of the Unification Tradition in America,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 5-26.
Park, In Chan. “Public Opinion of the Unification Movement in Korea: 1990-2006,” vol. 8 (2007): 61-70.
Sontag, Frederick. “The Unification Church: Theory vs. Practice / Ideal vs. Reality,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 41-56.
Yakawich, Mike. “A Case for a Professional Ministry in the Unification Church,” vol. 7 (2006): 111-118.
Unification philosophy
Burton, David. “An Exploration of Questions in the Ontology of Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 43-56.
____________. “Unification Thought’s Methodology and the Dual Characteristics,” vol. 5 (2003): 81-92.
____________. “What is the Matter? Understandings of Matter in Unification
Thought and Modern Physics,” vol. 6 (2004-05): 143-159.
Noda, Keisuke. “Understanding the Word as the Process of Embodiment,” vol. 1 (1997): 57-72.
____________. “Understanding God: The Conceptual and the Experiential in Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 7-16.
____________. “Cosmic Good and Liberation of the Original Conscience,” vol. 5 (2003): 93-110.
Wilson, Andrew. “Knowledge of God? A Critique and Proposal for Epistemology in Unification Thought,” vol. 4 (2001-02): 33-42.
Western philosophy
Kaufmann, Frank. “A Response to Postmodernism: A Critical Review of The Future of Religion by Richard Rorty and Gianni Vattimo,” vol. 7 (2006): 119-128.
Noda, Keisuke. “Nietzsche, Apostle of Faith? A Unificationist Reading,” vol. 7 (2006): 1-8.
Rohmann, Klaus. “Nicholas of Cusa: His Idea of the Coincidence of Opposites and the Concept of Unity in Unification Thought,” vol. 3 (1999-2000): 117-129.