Dr. Grace Selover (UTS Class of 1987) holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from SunHak Universal Peace Graduate University in Korea, where she is currently living as a mother, wife, and grandmother. With roots in the Christian Pentecostal tradition, she is active in ecumenical activities and has special interest in women’s ministry in both Christian and Unification traditions.

  • Challenges and New Development in the Emerging Women's Leadership in Unification Church Ministry

    Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 20, 2019 - Pages 113-131

    The founders of the Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, have elevated and promoted women’s value. Speaking at the 2012 inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN, one of the organizations that they founded, Rev. Moon promoted women’s rights and gender equality based on the maternal love of women who establish families and societies, and therefore realize God’s ideal for the creation. He also encouraged women leaders to choose the path of a true mother, a true wife, and a true daughter to unite to build a peaceful world. He proclaimed that “in the twenty-first century, women will be the central axis” of leadership.