Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 18, 2017 - Pages 217 - 251
The ideal of interdependence (공생, 共生) spoken of in Exposition of the Divine Principle and written into the Cheon Il Guk Constitution deals with the economic aspect of the ideal society envisioned by Cheon Il Guk. It advocates joint ownership centered upon the true love of God with individuals being guided by their conscience as to what is reasonable ownership. This begs the questions, what is the structure of an ideal economic system, what are its characteristics and how can such a system be achieved? It is fine to have wonderful ideals, but ideals must be put into practice within the realm of the reality of everyday life and thus realistic solutions to difficult problems must be found. Finding such practical solutions is the responsibility of those who believe in and attend Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. These are problems that humankind has struggled with throughout history and as of yet has been unable to satisfactorily solve.